
Its inauguration

Its inauguration

One of the most modern wax factories in Lesbos was founded in May 2020 by Michalis Politis. With a special love for wax and everything he can create with it, he soon reached the pinnacle of waxwork through the combination of tradition and the avant-garde. Unfortunately, the pandemic put a small brake on the activity of the wax factory, but as of yesterday it officially started its operation, with the inauguration that took place at its facilities in the area of Kara-Tepe.

The innovation of the new candle craft from the Politis family has to do with the adjustable time of the church candle. The first candle of its kind offers several advantages, most importantly the safety and cleanliness of the temple, but also its small environmental footprint, since it does not emit smoke and has a characteristic beeswax aroma.

The company currently manufactures church candles, however as Mr. Politis revealed to "NEWS of Lesvos", new products are also expected. "Slowly we will move to scented and other types of candles, which will also be available for retail sale," he revealed to us.

The inauguration of the "wax works", the craft of wax, took place yesterday, in the presence of many people, including the Vice-Regional Governor, Panagos Koufelos, and the consecration was performed by the Most Reverend Metropolitan Iakovos of Mytilene.

The craft is located in the area of Kara-Tepe and you can contact it on tel. 2251024120 and 6945848420.


